16 Surprising Ways to Improve Your Website Marketing


Last Updated on: 22nd April 2024, 02:43 pm

A comprehensive guide to help you in using the internet as an online marketing tool. Learn how to improve your website marketing effectively in 16 easy steps! 

The Internet is an invaluable tool for any small local business. Online marketing– such as website marketing, can help you get your name out there and connect with new customers who are searching for a product or service like yours. It can also be time-consuming, so knowing how to use the right tools will save you precious time and allow you to focus on other aspects of running your business.   

But how do we do that?     

In today’s world, there are various ways to promote and market your business online, one of which is website marketing. The question is, how can I apply website marketing to my small business and reach its full potential?  

Website marketing is an online advertising strategy that utilizes the Internet and other digital devices to promote your products and services. The power of the Internet can be used as an online marketing tool, but it is not always easy to know where to begin.  

This article is a guideline to help you use the Internet as an online marketing tool to promote your small business online and create a successful website marketing campaign. 

The Best Ways to Improve Your Website Marketing 

1. Online Advertising for Everyone  

It is essential to know who your target audience is but make sure your website can be read and easily navigated by everyone. Ensure your call-to-action buttons are recognizable, links are visible, your check-out processes are simple, and you offer help for those who may need it. You don’t want to turn away customers ready to purchase from you through these complex and complicated processes.    

2. Highlight Your Contact Information    

When marketing online, it is vital to highlight and check your business information to see if it publishes correctly on your website. Having complete business information helps you rank higher on local search results and helps you look legitimate and trustworthy to your customers.     

3. Engaging Title tag + Meta Description     

Another way to increase your website visitors is by publishing unique and high-quality content with engaging title and correct meta description that accurately describes what your business does. To check its effectiveness, check out your business reports and analytics, and investigate if the tags bring in more visitors to your site.      

4. Build A Relationship with High-Authority Websites    

For new small business owners, consider reaching out to well-known and trusted companies and begin building a relationship with them that helps you get your link posted on their site. Partnering with high-authority websites gives you a boost in online exposure and drives more traffic.     

If you already have partnered with these recognized companies, make sure your link is a “do-follow” link. You can do it by selecting the page supply of any link and check-out the HTML. Unless it says, “tend not to follow.” It will be safe ground, so be sure to check this one first before linking to someone else’s site for website marketing.     

5. Avoid Sitewide Links  

Sitewide links commonly appear on most or all the website’s pages. You can get a sitewide link by being mentioned in the footer or the blogroll located at the sidebar.     

Avoid using these links when putting your website online, as these are counterproductive, repetitive, and may cause you a lower webspace rank.   

6. Link Your Blogs and Website     

If you have a blog post and a website that isn’t connected or linked to the same market, make sure to time them together to get the best website marketing results. You can also consider having a “guest blog” on your website; make sure to reciprocate by linking forward and backward to create an interconnecting network.     

You can also review your products on video and have them easily accessible via blog or through your YouTube account. Pictures and videos are 70% more attractive to consumers, giving you more views and better profit. Reviewing using a video will also let your customers the confidence to trust the quality of your products.   

7. Create A Subscriber List   

For optimum of your website marketing efforts, create a subscriber list of your target audience. Make sure you are not targeting a too particular market to avoid being tagged as spam. Having a subscriber list helps you to perform SMS marketing promotions efficiently.     

8. Customer Interaction     

Your customers are the icing on top of your business; make sure you interact with them on your website and understand their needs and interests. Being aware of what attracts your target audience will allow you to sell your products or services effectively.     

You can also consider reading articles on how customers interact with websites. Colors and themes can have a massive impact on how customers perceive your site. Adding this information can help you utilize and maximize your website marketing efforts.     

9. Use of CTAs  

The use of CTA (Call-To-Action) helps you to direct customers to your desired actionable goals whenever they visit your website. Choose the right CTA button depending on what products and services your business offers. For instance, if you want to increase the number of members in your community, you can use “Start Your 7 Days Trial Today.” You can also try using “invest” instead of “buy” or “purchase” to attract more customers since it is a much nicer ring in the ears for someone looking to spend some money. Make sure that the CTA uses active language not passive.     

10. Send Personalized Gifts     

One of the best ways to let your brand awareness out there is by sending buyers promotional gifts along with their orders. It can be as simple as ball pens, notepads, or a keychain with an embedded logo or a customized business name/logo in it.     

11. Add an Opt-In Box to Your Site    

Putting an opt-in box to your site to give your website visitors an option to sign-up and receive a weekly or monthly newsletter from your site helps build a personal relationship and elevate their customer experience as a form of lead generation.     

Letting the visitors decide whether they want to connect with you and keep on receiving helpful information from your sites determines how well your business performs to entice more new customers.     

12. Utilizing Social Media    

It is good to have your website, but never forget to stay in touch with popular social media networks such as Facebook and Twitter. Their markets are as big as online search engines. Make sure you add your business page on Facebook and be quick enough to respond to your Twitter page.     

13. In-Depth Research     

One of the rookies’ mistakes before starting a business is not researching well enough in the industry they want to divulge. Gaining enough knowledge on how well your top competitors are performing or how top sites attract hundreds of thousands of website visitors gives you valuable insights and understanding when creating an effective and efficient website marketing strategy.    

Ensure you and your team (If you have employees) are knowledgeable before starting a website marketing campaign. In this way, you can avoid being caught out of the information and more likely succeed and gain positive results.     

14. Offer a Survey on Your Website    

Surveys are a great way to know what your customers feel about your business. Offer a survey on your website after the customer purchase and give them time to answer questions. In this way, you can know whether the customer is satisfied or dissatisfied with the products or services they purchased. For non-buying visitors, you can offer a discount or vouchers for whoever will take the survey. You may also run a contest or a raffle for those who willingly participate.     

15. Never Lie About Your Profile    

It is entirely okay for new start-up businesses if you still don’t have glowing reviews or skyrocketing ratings; you are just getting started. Do not buy followers to look more prominent and avoid lying about your profile. However, you must present yourself as an expert in your industry. Consumers don’t like buying from know-nothing.      

16. Use Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Ads    

If you have enough marketing budget, try using PPC to get favorable search rankings. These affiliate marketing programs will pay off other websites to increase your customer traffic. If you intend to spend money, make sure you get the most out of each buck.   


Improve Brand Visibility and Make More Sales     

As mentioned above, website marketing provides a lot of opportunities to help promote your business online. If done right, your campaign could reach out and attract thousands to millions of people. But you must also ensure that your online business is set up and optimized for the best results.     

Your local business depends on being seen by more customers. The more customers you attract, the better revenue you will get. Simply Be Found offers the best, most affordable, and most effective ways to get your business found on local search and advertised across popular networks.

If you want to learn more about how easy it is to set up and optimize your local businesses to attract more customers and get better revenues, contact Simply Be Found.  

About the author:

Picture of The SBF Team

The SBF Team

Small Business Owned & Operated

We are a small business for small business.  There is a 1 in 5 chance of talking to a co-founder.  We are not a big coporation or a place where you are going to get lost.  

Between Dean & Rob They Have


Small Businesses


Years Of Small
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Years Of Marketing


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