Robust API

You can connect the Simply Be Found platform to any of your software. This tool will give you and your developers complete control over your proprietary programs.

Customization Made Simple Using Our Robust API

Simply Be Found offer robust and flexible APIs, allowing you to build custom apps, seamlessly manage your search experience, and create reports with your own tools.

Our APIs give you programmatic control of your data, how people manage it, and where it appears to consumers.

Your Data is Always Protected

Our API adheres to strict security standards, so you know your data is always protected.

Save Time, Money, and Your Reputation

Adopting the user of our APIs makes it easier and more efficient to manage your business listings. Once the integration is automated it is simple to scale your business to multiple locations without increasing workload or the number of errors caused by humans “fat fingering” an entry. Using APIs will save you time, money, and your reputation.

Managing Your Listing Needs Efficiently

While the use of our API is a terrific way to handle lots of your listing needs, we know the sometimes you need to move quickly and make a manual adjustment. Using our API does not exclude you from making manual changes to a listing. If a change needs to be made, you don’t have to wait on your developers to get it done. You can go straight into our system and make the change yourself.

Our APIs are easy to use, and it will do most of the work for you. All our APIs come in with Postman Libraries so your developers can download the files and immediately start submitting messages to our system. Integration into our system, once approved, can be done in as little as a day.

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