Listings/Citation Engine

This tool lets you submit your business information to over 300 sites straight from the Simply Be Found platform.

Your Business Listed On Up To 300 Networks On Paid Plans

Registering Your Business on Listings Engine Can Easily be Done in 3 Steps:


Step 1 - Signup

Register for the AI Listings Engine, it comes with all paid accounts with Simply Be Found.


Step 2: Enter Your Information

Provide your business information on the Simply Be Found Marketing Platform. It will be listed on all networks. If your information updates it will automatically submit a change request to all networks.


Step 3: Delivery of Information

Your information will be delivered to all networks directly or indirectly.

It has Been 30 Years in the Making

For over 30 years, our co-founder and Local SEO marketing expert, Robert Downey, has been at the forefront of search engine optimization, particularly in the realm of local businesses. He began programming in the 1990s, focusing on how search engines process data from small businesses.

For the past four years, our team has emphasized the crucial role of Local SEO in enabling voice search registration. We still passionately believe in this approach.

Leveraging his extensive experience, Robert has developed an innovative strategy that integrates voice search registration, backlink building, and Local SEO, utilizing AI Listings. This comprehensive approach is a culmination of his lifelong dedication to optimizing business visibility across all search engines.

How Does It Work?

AI Listings helps businesses get found online by listing them on over 300 different platforms, including Apple Maps, Alexa, Siri, Cortana, Bing, Yahoo, and Google. This can lead to more phone calls, sales, and actual results for businesses. All you must do is provide your business information, and our system does the rest.

Voice Search Registration

A big topic is registering your business for voice search. Voice Search allows you to be found across networks like Alexa, Siri, Cortana, Bixby, and from devices like smart speakers. You have received phone calls saying you are not registered. You may have even wondered what it is. AI Listings Engine makes it simple for you to register your business for voice search.

Getting Listed On Maps

Getting listed on Apple Maps, Bing Maps, Google Maps is a critical part of your business being found. AI Listings Engine, takes the information you provide in one place and then blasts it out on each of the map networks keeping your information up to date.

Getting Listed On Local Search

Local Search is places like Bing Places and Google Business Profile. This is where the AI Listings engine makes it simple for you to keep all your profiles up to date.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, you can take the time, create the profiles, and remember to login to each network if anything changes and do every network for free. If you have the time to do this, then great!

You can find blogs within our site that will walk you through almost every step, or you can find videos here [hyperlink to:] that can help you do it on your own.

But, if you're like most business owners who do not have enough time in the day for this, The Simply Be Found Marketing Platform is the way to go because it only takes 5 to 10 minutes of your time per day to see results.

Local SEO and Voice Search Registration starts with Google and goes out beyond Google, but you need to have a Google Business Profile (formally Google My Business). If you do not have a Google Business Profile, we can provide you with a video on how to do it on your own.

If you want us to do it for you then we require you to be on our PRO Plan or above for us to create this listing for you and provide you with ownership of each profile. You can downgrade the next month if you choose as we do not lock you into any contracts here at Simply Be Found.

No, we have built the AI Listings Engine to never duplicate listings. We have direct and indirect relationships with third parties to which we submit all our data to. If you have a current listing, they may get ping that with your newest information but not a new profile will be created.

No, we are a small business out of Windsor, Colorado and are not affiliated with any of the big networks. We have direct and indirect relationships to make this possible.

Voice search registration is the process of getting your business listed on the directories and websites that voice search assistants use to provide results to users. This includes voice assistants such as Google Assistant, Siri, Alexa, and Cortana.

Voice search is becoming increasingly popular, and more people are using it to find local businesses. By getting your business listed on voice search networks, you can ensure that your business is visible to potential customers who are using voice search to find products and services like yours.

There are two main ways to get your business listed on voice search networks:

  1. You can manually submit your business information to each individual voice search network. This can be a time-consuming process, and it can be difficult to keep track of all the different listings.
  2. You can use a service like AI Listings to automate the process of getting your business listed on voice search networks. AI Listings will submit your business information to all the major voice search networks and other online directories, and it will keep your listings up to date.

Once your business is listed on voice search networks, you can optimize your listings to help you rank higher in voice search results. This includes:

  • Using relevant keywords in your business name, description, and categories. 
  • Making sure your listings have accurate and complete information.
  • Getting reviews from customers.
  • Building backlinks to your listings.

Local SEO is the process of optimizing your website and online presence so that your business shows up higher in local search results. Voice search registration is a subset of local SEO that focuses on getting your business listed on the directories and websites that voice search assistants use to provide results to users.

The cost of getting your business listed on voice search networks varies depending on the service you use. AI Listings Engine offers a variety of plans to choose from, starting at $25 per month.

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