Brand Discovery 101: Why is it So Important?

Brand Discover 101

Last Updated on: 1st February 2023, 04:58 pm

The process of brand discovery has changed drastically over the years. Gone are the days when you would have to go into a store, flip through magazines, or visit an online site to find out about new products and brands.   

A recent study found that 92% of Millennials use social media to discover new brands. It means that local businesses are now facing a whole new set of challenges when it comes to brand discovery. The good news is, there is an opportunity for marketers who can take advantage of the power of influencers and create content around authentic relationships with consumers – rather than relying on traditional advertising methods like TV commercials or billboards.  

With a world of information at their fingertips, today’s consumers have the power to control what they see and explore. These consumers want to know everything from new restaurants in town to that fashion brand everyone is talking about. So how do brands stand out? How do they get people to notice them and take action? Here are different ways that brands can utilize the power of brand discovery:

What is Brand Discovery?    

Brand discovery uses different marketing research and metrics to see the bird’s eye view of a brand. In a more technical sense, it uses qualitative and quantitative data from internal to external to know what exactly is working and what is not.    

No matter what you are doing, brand discovery can happen. When people search the web, watch videos, or play a game, brand discovery follows. Have you ever searched something on the search engine, then when you scroll down to your Facebook feeds, it is somewhat related to something you are looking for?   

That is the power of online search algorithms. It matches you to the brands you want and facilitates your buying decision. People who go online are more likely to discover hundreds of several brands. A recent study shows that 76% enjoy unexpected brand discoveries while 86% uses brands for shopping ideas and inspiration.  On average, 3 out of 4 people lookouts for brands and products that are relevant to them. But, how do we attract these people to our business?   

1. Create Relevant and Appealing Contents   

People are more likely to buy or click on an ad that is relevant and appealing to them. This is why it is critical to know your target audience’s interests and needs. For example, did you know that about 73% of people say they have become more interested in a closely related brand that they have been looking for?

Studying reports and metrics play a vital role in creating appealing and relevant content for your target audience. You can also attach photos to your posts which allows you to earn attention, build loyalty, and improve customer engagement. If you want to stand out more, develop unique and captivating images that describe what your brand offers. 

2. Guide them into Buying Decision    

A customer journey is a visual map representation of what customers go through when interacting with your business. The customer experience does not just stop after purchasing; as a business owner, you must know how to re-direct your customers into the right path of their customer journey or the whole experience of being a customer. 

Brand Discovery 101

These are five key steps into understanding the customer journey: 

  • Awareness – The first step of a customer journey and the top priority of many marketers and advertisers. This is the stage wherein the customer acknowledges the problem or needs to fill in what is lacking. As a business owner or manager, your goal is to make more customers aware of the products and services your brand has to offer and not to make a sale immediately. 
  • Consideration – This is the stage where the consumer identifies and evaluates their available options. This is an essential part of your buyer’s journey because it is a phase where they are ready to buy and will probably ask you many questions about the product and services before making a purchase.
  • Purchase – This process leads consumers to identify a need, check for options, and choose the specific product and brand based on their preferences. Some purchasing decisions can be minor, like buying a shampoo, while others are major such as buying a car. 
  • Retention – This is the stage in which businesses have a set of actions to stop customers from leaving and making them loyal customers. 
  • Advocacy – The last stage of a customer journey is called customer advocacy. In the bigger picture, it is a stage where businesses focus on what they think is deemed the best for their customers. When consumers liked your product, they tend to talk about it and even share it to their social media account, promoting your business with good words even more.

After identifying these stages, it is now time to set actionable steps for your website. You do not want to waste a compelling and relevant ad by not adding a call-to-action button. Study shows that 85% of people will act within 24 hours to discover a product suitable to them.   

3. Brand Loyalty   

When the brands meet the customer’s expectations, loyalty will come after. Meaning, these consumers are no longer strangers to the quality of products and services you offer and will come back for more as long as you continuously deliver excellent service.   

Your consumers will be loyal to your brand if you provide a better service and a higher quality than those of your competitors. This happens regardless of pricing; even if you offer a higher price with better quality, consumers will still come after your brand. Brand-loyal customers are more likely to purchase or try other products from your brand.

In a Nutshell:  

In today’s modern technology, a lot of opportunities open up for businesses of any size. The path gets stricter and narrower as the competition gets wider. The constantly changing consumer behavior also adds up as a challenge for many marketers and advertisers.   

As a marketer, how will you keep up? The answer is simple. Get your brand found more potential buyers, may it be on mobile, web, or voice searches.   

Simply Be Found lets you do that and more. We have designed an easy-to-use interactive playbook for business owners and marketers just like you to improve their local SEO efforts in a simple yet straightforward way. To know more about how you can take advantage of this exclusive offer, visit Simply Be Found.

About the author:

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