10 Superior Ways to Grow Your Business in 2021

10 Superior Ways to Grow Your Business in 2021

Last Updated on: 22nd April 2024, 11:56 am

The best way to prepare for the future is to start today. Here are 10 ways you can grow your business in 2021.

2020 was, to say the least, a roller coaster ride full of experience for small business owners. It was a ride with more downs than ups due to unforeseen events – and it does not stop there. Just like life events, businesses are not supposed to be constantly on top.

Experiencing difficulties are part of every business venture, and it is up to your hands how your business will survive and thrive. 2020 serves as a great lesson for us to be adaptive at all costs.

In-person events went virtual overnight, office set-ups went remote, dine-in to delivery, online shopping started an e-commerce craze. To sum it all, changes are constant.

The goal of any business is to make money. But, it’s not just about making money- It’s also about doing what you love and being happy with your life in the process.

Here Are Some Common Challenges in Running a Small Business:

  • Running out of money due to an inadequate budget
  • Losing customers to the competition
  • Unestablished brand name
  • No customer engagement
  • Lack of customer loyalty
  • Unforeseen events – Fortuitous events

These are some of the common mistakes for many business owners. Building a business is more than just having a business name, a location, and a product; It should be a combination of mission, a vision, an objective, and a creative mind. Here are some of the things you should take note of to help grow your business in 2022- and succeeding years ahead.

Tips to Grow Your Business for 2022

1. Build Connections

Starting a business is like starting a relationship – You want it to last. People buy from businesses that they trust rather than things they see in ads. Find ways to make them feel valued and show your genuine interest in giving them a return-on-investment experience beyond just a regular transaction.

Once the customer starts trusting your brand, they will be returning customers you can ask for reviews or testimonials. They will be your number 1 endorsers.

2. Know Your Target Audience

Create a customer profile based on the analytics from the reports/insights and carve out a marketing strategy based on their behaviors. Learning more about your customers is the same as learning about your products.

Once you are able to identify who your target audience is, you can then focus on what can you do more to keep them rather than targeting every single individual. The reality is you cannot please everyone. Focus more on people that show care and interest in your brand, then think about other ways on how to expand this audience soon.

3. Strengthen Brand Awareness

Establishing a strong online presence cannot be done overnight. Be patient and consistent with customer engagement. You must keep them interested by creating new ways that can drive their loyalty. These may be in the form of a subscription, membership, or anything that can add value.

People tend to feel special when they are valued more than just a regular transaction. Refer to them as partners, members, make them feel they are part of the growing community in your business. The more customer interaction and engagement your business is practicing, the faster the spread of good news your company will get.

4. Take Advantage of Social Media

Social media is the dominant digital marketing. It is more than a discovery page, it is the new way to start selling your products like hotcakes. However, dominating social media is not as simple as it sounds. You must first identify your target audience and focus more on what they want; when they want, how they want, and why they want it. Getting your products into the hands of people who share the same passion and interests will build a genuine connection.

5. Quality Content and Concise Offer

While you start dominating social media platforms, incorporate quality and relevant freshly curated content. These posts can be anything from what is new, offers, and/or events. Remember that these contents should be short, easy to understand, and accurate. No one likes reading stuffy-irrelevant content that has nothing to do with what the business offers.

6. Teamwork Makes the Dream Works

Starting a business is no man’s island. Invest and hire people with the same objectives and mind as you do. Having a team who thinks alike will result in comprehensive and effective ideas.

Sharing the same passion in a team will create a powerful vision for you and the business.

7. Invest in Good Customer Service

A business is not a business without a customer. It is good to have an automated response whenever you cannot respond quickly, however, nobody likes talking to generic replies.

Ensure customer engagement in a personalized tone. Having good customer service results in a more satisfied customer.

8. Reinvest in Your Brand

Brand value perceives strength from the company’s name, images, and reputation, which are intangible assets of a business. Redirect your company if you see things that seem inappropriate.

Make sure to stick with your story brand, business concepts, and ideas. The more unique your business is, the more edges you have against your competitors.

9. Be Adaptable

There will always be unforeseen events along the way. Just like the pandemic that shook local businesses last year, your business must be ready to face things like this.

Make sure to have plans to align when things like this happen again. Be updated with current events, know the trends, and be ready to adapt to new environments quickly.

10. Utilize Your Resources

Last but not the least, utilizing all your resources in an efficient way will be the greatest way of optimizing and thriving your business.

We understand that this is quite overwhelming specifically for start-ups, which is why Simply Be Found offers a platform where you have full control of your business data and easily turn them into advertising that gets you success.

About the author:

Picture of The SBF Team

The SBF Team

Small Business Owned & Operated

We are a small business for small business.  There is a 1 in 5 chance of talking to a co-founder.  We are not a big coporation or a place where you are going to get lost.  

Between Dean & Rob They Have


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