Respond to Positive Reviews Better in 4 Easy Steps (and Why)

4 Easy Steps to Respond to Positive Reviews

Last Updated on: 28th June 2024, 01:59 pm

This article is a step-by-step guide to how to respond to positive reviews on your business online. You will also find examples and templates you can start with.

It’s rewarding to get feedback about a customer’s positive experience with your business as a business owner. However, there are tons of good customer reviews given no attention at all.

This is a missed opportunity for many businesses. Every positive review is an amazing opportunity to build a lasting relationship with your customer(s).

You can make a happy customer a better promoter of your business and even a repeat customer if you get your review responses right. That’s why you should respond to positive reviews too.

Here’s a step-by-step guide, plus some examples and templates you can start with.

The Best Respond to Positive Reviews

1. Start with a Personalized Salutation

How you start, your response might affect the subconscious mind of your customer. Being informal and calling the customer by the first name can give a friendly impression. But if you own a private jet rental business, or manage a luxury hotel, then being a little formal is more appropriate. Look at these two salutations below:

Good morning, Mr. Smith!

Hey, John!

Use the style that is most appropriate for your business style and audience. Just make sure it’s personal. And never go with a blunt, one-line response like Hey, glad that you like us.

2. Express Gratitude

Be grateful that this customer took the time to write the review. Expressing gratitude is a great way to start a conversation and establish rapport with your customer.

But never go with the same response. Customers can notice if you’re saying the same thing to everybody, nothing special or personalized. And you don’t want to make them feel that.

Here are some examples to start with:

  • Reading this review made my day!
  • Thanks for taking the time to leave us such a great review.
  • We’re incredibly grateful that you took time out to leave us this note.

Keep it genuine and unique.

3. Try to Move the Customer Relationship Further

After introducing your response, try asking a question or a request that will evoke their response. Here are a few things to keep in mind:

Never Make it Sound too Personal or Informal

When we say requests, we mean things like, Please try our (new product/best-selling item) too, you’ll love it!, and We’re delighted that you liked us! We have a special event coming up soon, and we’d like to invite you to it personally.

Suggest the possibility of a deeper customer relationship in a warm manner.

Don’t Come Off as Intrusive

Please don’t ask them things like, That’s wonderful! Do you live nearby? We’d love to see you again!, or, That’s great! Would you like to share your phone number so we can contact you about future deals/offers?

Customers can feel uncomfortable if you ask them such privacy-related questions.

Format it Accordingly

Some forums (like Yelp) do not allow more than one response per review. In such cases, leave your phone number or email in your response to reach out to you if they want to move your customer relationship further.

So go with requests/suggestions that are:

  • Light-hearted
  • Helpful to your customer
  • About your service/products

Here are some things that you could say:

  1. We’d love to see you again at (your business name)! Feel free to give us a call at (business phone) for booking a table, getting something delivered, or any inquiries whatsoever in the future.
  2. We also make a special strawberry cupcake that you simply must try. You’d love it if you liked our (your product that they mentioned in the review)!
  3. We’re hosting an event this coming Thanksgiving Day at (venue name), exclusively for families and senior citizens, on July 10th. We’d love it if you and your family could make it!

4. Make them Feel Welcome

As you end your response, make sure to let them know that you’d love to see them again or work with them again. Make them feel welcome, so whenever they have friends wondering where to find the right store or business, they’ll likely suggest you.

“We’d be glad to serve you again.



Looking forward to your next visit with us.”


Morgan Duke

Manager at (business name)

If done right, responding to positive reviews is key to making someone a loyal customer. Be genuine, build their trust, and make them want to do business with you again.

Do you have negative reviews and don’t know how to respond to them? Learn more here.

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